Frequently Asked Questions About Investing in PEXA
Where are PEXA Group Limited’s ordinary shares listed?
PEXA Group Limited’s ordinary shares are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) under the code PXA.
Where can I find information on PEXA Group Limited’s share price?
You can find information on PXA’s share price here
Who is the share registry for PEXA Group Limited?
Link Market Services Limited is the share registry for PEXA Group Limited ordinary shares. Please contact them for information about your shareholding using the details listed in Investor Contacts. [You can also speak to someone from LINK by calling the PEXA Offer information Line on 1800 129 431].
Can I check my PEXA Group Limited shareholding on the internet?
You can view details about your PEXA Group Limited shareholding online at the Link Investor Centre by logging in to your portfolio via Link Market Services. To register your Portfolio, you will be asked to provide your Security holder Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) and your postcode, all of which can be found on your holding statement. This information will also be required to verify your identity for subsequent visits to the Link Investor Centre.
How do I change my name or address or other details?
If you have an Issuer Sponsored holding, instructions to change your personal holding record details are required by the share registry in writing. A printable version of the change of address form is available online from the share registry. If you have a Broker Sponsored holding, you must notify your sponsoring broker in writing of your change of address.
How do I buy or sell PEXA Group Limited ordinary shares?
PEXA Group Limited’s ordinary shares may be bought or sold through a stockbroker. A listing of ASX market participants (stock brokers) can be found on the ASX website.
Dividends and capital return
Does PEXA Group Limited pay dividends on ordinary shares?
The Directors do not expect to pay a dividend in respect of the FY21 financial year.
What is PEXA Group Limited’s dividend policy?
The payment of Dividends by the Company, if any, and subject to any contractual, legal or regulatory restrictions, is at the complete discretion of the Directors, and the Directors do not provide any assurance of the future level of dividends paid by the Company. The ability to pay dividends will depend on a number of factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. In determining whether to declare future dividends, the Directors will have regard to PEXA’s earnings, overall financial condition and capital requirements, taxation considerations (including the level of franking credits available), the general business environment, and any other factors that the Directors may consider to be relevant. The Directors do not expect to pay a dividend in respect of the FY21 financial year.
Financial information
Can I receive the PEXA Group Limited annual report electronically?
Yes, you can register to receive electronic communications, including the annual report.
How can I receive a hard copy of PEXA Group Limited’s annual report?
You can download and print a copy of the PEXA Group Limited annual report. If you wish to receive a hard copy annual report each year, you can do so by changing your preferences with the share registry online, or by completing the necessary form provided by the registry.